ugly truth, bodymodz, ego, and awesome.

morning light

I took out my second dermal today, my body hates them so fuck it. but hey, im happy anyways <3

hold on tight

Let's see if my hair want's to stay in this color. My hair won't stay red for long, give it 2 weeks and im a ginger. 


Out for a walk with my boyfriend and caroline. Also a trip to the store, maybe i find something fun. <3

from where i can see

Autumn feeling

4 days of long walks with my love, just watching the leafs turning to diffrent colors and the smell of autumn.
It's a great feeling. I love it. 

cant be better then this

I feel so good when i think about us and our future

Life is good

Even if life gives you more downs then ups, i still smile. Im happy with who i am and what i have. 

Friday im in love

It's friday, this weekend i will spend time with my love, then sun is up. Going out for a walk with the camera. 


giving this a new chance


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